6 Best Natural Pain Management Methods for Veterans

Veterans have had to witness tragedies and endure traumatic events that they could not have anticipated upon joining the military. As they complete their service and enter the next chapter of life with chronic pain, their suffering is an aching reminder of their sacrifice. Chronic physical pain is an unwelcome companion, but for veterans it's a steadfast one. Fortunately, sustainable methods of addressing chronic pain are becoming more widely known over time. Of the growing options out there, this guide will give you six of the most effective natural pain management methods for veterans.

How Is Acute Pain Different From Chronic Pain?

Acute and chronic pain affect veterans in distinct ways. Acute pain is short-term and typically arises from a specific injury or illness, resolving as the body heals. On the other hand, chronic pain persists for an extended period, often beyond the expected healing time, impacting veterans for months or even years.

Acute pain signals an immediate issue, while chronic pain, often stemming from service-related injuries or trauma, results in ongoing physical limitations, emotional distress, and a compromised quality of life.

How Prevalent is Chronic Pain Among Veterans?

Chronic pain is a significant issue among veterans. While the exact figures may vary, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, around 44% of veterans report suffering from chronic pain, a rate significantly higher than that of the general non-military population.

What Causes Chronic Pain Among Veterans?

Veterans grapple with a multitude of physical and emotional challenges during their service, leading to enduring body pains. Combat injuries like fractures or shrapnel wounds result in chronic pain, while the physical strains from intense military training lead to overuse injuries.

Emotional stress from traumatic experiences, often resulting in conditions like PTSD, contribute to physical manifestations of pain. The stress of transitioning to civilian life can trigger mental health issues, also translating into physical pain.

These intersecting factors create a complex web of enduring physical and emotional pain that persists long after their service has ended.

What Happens When Chronic Pain Is Unmanaged?

Unmanaged pain among veterans leads to a myriad of adverse consequences. Physically, it’s associated with reduced joint mobility and potential long-term disability. Emotionally, chronic pain contributes to anxiety, depression, and a diminished quality of life, potentially causing social isolation [insert link to blog post #5].

Relationships suffer due to limited participation in social activities, and there's an increased risk of substance misuse as a coping mechanism, leading to further health complications. Additionally, the reduced ability to work impacts financial stability and a sense of purpose.

In many cases, relying on narcotics or opiates for pain relief poses serious risks for veterans. As veterans are weary of this, they may choose to avoid pharmaceutical treatment, therefore, leaving their pain unmanaged.

Regardless of a veteran’s perspective on drug treatments, they are often too expensive to access in the first place. This lack of access to prescriptions only exacerbates the effects of unmanaged physical pain.

Equip Veterans With Natural Pain Management Methods

Join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of U.S. veterans by supporting our nonprofit's mission to provide sustainable and affordable pain management solutions. Your financial contribution will be a source of relief for veterans battling chronic pain. By donating to our operational reserve, you enable us to provide veterans with resources and treatments that empower them to manage their pain in a healthy and sustainable manner. Click the link below to donate and help us ensure our veterans live pain-free, healthier lives.

6 Best Natural Pain Management Methods for Veterans

Through various physiological and psychosomatic pathways, veterans find pain relief through natural methods, such as:

  1. Acupuncture

  2. Tai Chi

  3. Massage Therapy

  4. Ayurvedic Diet

  5. Herbal Remedies

  6. Yoga


Acupuncture, an ancient healing technique, uses the insertion of fine needles into specific points, or meridians, along the body. These strategic placements aim to stimulate the body's natural healing response, alleviating pain and promoting overall wellness by restoring balance to these energetic pathways.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient practice that enables individuals to engage in low-impact movements specifically designed to reduce inflammation and manage pain naturally. The slow, deliberate motions of Tai Chi promote flexibility, balance, and joint strength, contributing to the alleviation of inflammation and musculoskeletal discomfort. By fostering mind-body awareness and encouraging gentle, flowing movements, Tai Chi becomes a therapeutic avenue for those seeking a natural approach to pain management.

Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage serves as a powerful ally in managing chronic pain by targeting specific muscle groups, releasing tension and enhancing blood flow to affected areas. Through soft tissue manipulation and pressure, this practice not only alleviates discomfort but also fosters relaxation, interrupting the cycle of pain response in the body.

Ayurvedic Diet

The Ayurvedic diet, rooted in ancient Indian healing practices, offers a natural way to manage pain by emphasizing the role of nutrition in maintaining physical health. Tailored to balance the body's doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – the diet includes specific foods and spices to pacify or energize each dosha. Ultimately, this personalized diet aims to alleviate inflammation and enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms. By incorporating anti-inflammatory ingredients and prioritizing whole, nutrient-dense foods, the Ayurvedic diet not only addresses immediate pain but also establishes a sustainable foundation for long-term well-being.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are a valuable addition to a healthy diet for those seeking natural pain reduction. With anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, herbs like turmeric and ginger complement a nutritious diet and physically active lifestyle. Integrating these remedies into a long-term wellness plan provides a balanced and effective strategy for reducing physical discomfort naturally.


Yoga serves as a reliable tool for increasing physical mobility, releasing joint tension, and calming the nervous system – allowing for reduced physical pain. Through its poses, stretches, and mindful breathing, yoga offers a self-directed form of physical exercise while encouraging self-awareness.

What We Covered

As servicemen and servicewomen begin their civilian journeys, they often carry chronic pain with them. Whether from injuries, surgeries, or other traumatic events, chronic pain poses significant challenges in veterans’ everyday lives.

But there’s hope! Many veterans find relief by integrating pharmaceutical treatments with natural pain management methods, such as:

  1. Acupuncture

  2. Tai Chi

  3. Massage Therapy

  4. Ayurvedic Diet

  5. Herbal Remedies

  6. Yoga

The battle of chronic pain among the veteran population may never fully fade, but with these natural approaches to pain management, veterans can regain control and find relief.

Thank You for Giving!

Are you ready to take a stand against health inequity among veterans who have selflessly served our country? As we coordinate free and affordable health treatments for veterans and active duty members, we invite you to support us financially. With each monetary donation we receive, we become better equipped to vet holistic healers and wellness professionals who provide services that address the root causes of military professionals’ suffering. Within 2023 and early 2024, our growing fund will specifically be applied to building our San Diego network of healers, as well as our mobile app used for health treatment scheduling. Please see your donation options here.

Healing Can’t Wait is a 501(c)(3) organization founded by Aspen Bentley, who has endured the loss of dear military soul family members, as well as her own health battles while deployed in Bahrain. Read Aspen’s story here.


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